Top 3 Non-surgical Fat Loss Fads You Should Know

Getting into shape and maintaining a healthy lifestyle takes a lot of patience and dedication. Unfortunately, no matter how much you exercise or how healthy are the food you put on your table, you still can’t get rid of those stubborn fats in some parts of your body.
Luckily, thanks to great advancement in aesthetics technology, you won’t have to go through painful surgery to remove those annoying fat deposits. A number of non-surgical fat loss removal treatments are making a scene in the beauty industry. These treatments employ state-of-the-art devices to carefully select and break down fat tissues in target areas and reduce the bulgy appearance of certain body parts without surgery.
What are the available fat loss treatments available in Singapore now?
Cold Laser Treatment
Fat is naturally sensitive to cold. A treatment called cryolipolysis takes advantage of this fact and uses high-end fat loss machines with advanced laser technology that freezes fat cells, causing them to die, break down, and finally be naturally eliminated from the body. To do this, the patient lies down on a table while a device emitting controlled cold temperature is placed on top of the skin on certain areas that wanted to be shrunk. The procedure takes about 30-60 minutes and does not require any incisions or anesthesia. Although the device utilizes extreme temperature, the skin, muscle, and nerve tissues are not harmed. Some mild side effects are brief mild swelling, slight numbness, tingling, and redness. Generally, patients are happy to see results after 1 or 2 sessions.
Red Light Therapy
Excess fat removal using red light is one of the safest method without any side effect. In this 30-minute treatment, specific amount of light waves penetrate the skin and target the subcutaneous fat cells, causing them to rupture and shrink. You can easily see visible results within a few hours after the treatment as your body continues with its metabolic process. Another interesting result is that the skin in the treated areas will appear smoother and tighter. Wrinkles are faded off as well. Common treated areas are the hips, thighs, and abdomen. Although thought to be the very safe, pregnant women and people with liver diseases are not allowed to undergo the treatment.
Fat Cavitation
Some popular fat reduction beauty equipment today employ ultrasound waves and cavitation technologies to optimize the fat removal process. The treatment is called fat cavitation wherein a device is rubbed on the patient’s target areas, transmitting pulsating sound waves to fat cells, which are eventually destroyed and excreted via the body’s natural metabolic process. Expect no incisions and anesthesia needed. Also, the best part is that there is no downtime and you can immediately go back to your daily activities after the treatment. Results can be observed 6-12 weeks after the treatment.
With heightened demand for beauty and fat loss solutions, aesthetic equipment suppliers are robust in bringing in more beauty equipment to the market. With many aesthetic fat removal solutions and treatments to choose from, make sure to do your research and choose an aesthetic clinic with state-of-the-art facilities and equipment, and works with licensed and trained professionals to ensure your safety and obtain optimum results.

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