Learning About Collagen Supplements

Collagen is the essential element that holds the entire human body together. And this isn’t just an intricate expression. Collagen literally forms the connective tissue for almost all of the structures in our bodies, right from your bones and all the way out to your skin.

This is an important building block for your health overall. Now that science has revealed all of this, people have started mixing collagen supplements into their coffee to get a protein boost. Collagen helps to reduce wrinkles, keeps your joints strong and flexible, supports and keeps your bones strong. It also helps increase your skin’s hydration.Normally, your body will naturally produce collagen every day. But because of aging, the overall ability of your body to produce slows down.

You have the choice of adding more collagen into your diet by regularly consuming foods like bone broth and organ meats. But you can now also get a few of the best recommended collagen supplements online today. Those types of collagen supplements both for men and women are a convenient way to gain more the benefits of this powerful protein.

But there is still a question, since there are already a lot of manufactured sets of supplements out there on the market today, do collagen supplements really work?

The human body is naturally filled with cells that have specific functions that keep your body running fine. The ones that are responsible for producing the collagen in your body are called “Fibroblasts”. In order to produce the amount of collagen you need, fibroblasts will need access to a few other things called amino acids. Namely, glycine, proline, and hydroxyproline. The main function of collagen supplements is to supply your fibroblasts with the right amount of amino acids so they can continue to do what they do best.

Hydrolyzed collagen, AKA “collagen peptides,” is today’s most effective strategy for delivering these amino acids. The process of hydrolyzing process involves breaking down collagen into a smooth, and light powder. The final product they will end up with has low molecular weight, so your body has an easier time digesting, absorbing, and distributing the much needed amino acids all throughout your entire body.

Do we need to take collagen?

In actuality collagen production in the body peaks at 25 and after a while, this then slowly declines as you age over time. If you aren’t really into consuming bone broth, organ meat, or other collagen-rich foods, there are high chances that you may have a collagen deficiency. Other reasons for quicker collagen decline includes lifestyles that are a bit active. If you are an aggressive fitness enthusiast and you exercise a lot, bone and cartilage collagen will wear out quicker.

You can easily just add collagen supplements to your diet. There are collagen supplement powders that you can add on to smoothies, baked goodies, or even your favorite drinks. This way you can enjoy living your life and keep your systems intact and not let it wear out quick.

Quality Beauty, and Physiotherapy Equipment with Aglow Aesthetics

Ever since I have pampered myself at this beauty clinic with great beauty equipment, I felt like a changed woman. Not only because of its outer fixes, and effects, but also with what it can do to you deep inside. Ever since I have felt this way, I decided to open my own beauty, and wellness clinic, so it would not only be me who would enjoy that wellness.

Of course, I have to purchase the needed equipment in order to open up my beauty clinic. I was trying to look for a trusted, and good beauty equipment supplier. In my search, and constant canvassing, I was able to discover this beauty, and apparently, also a physiotherapy equipment supplier called Aglow Aesthetics. They truly provide many equipment that I know would bring wellness to anyone who would want to enter my clinic. Here are some of them:

Fotona’s SP Dynamis

This equipment with Fractional Laser qualities is one of the medical equipment Aglow Aesthetics has. It has high precision, with its tissue-selective treatments, intuitive with easy-to-use parameter selection, and more. It has quite many benefits that would be good for my customers who have several conditions they want to be treated, be it for aesthetic purposes, or for rehabilitation.


This looks like a good rehabilitation equipment piece with its lymphatic drainage ability. This physiotherapy equipment releases high frequency alternating current that oscillates between 300 kHz and 1 MHz. In spite of it being non-invasive, it works well by accelerating natural regeneration of biological tissues, recovery process, and more. It increases healing, provides quick pain relief, and lymphatic drainage. Here are its key treatments:

  • Musculoskeletal injuries
  • Joint Pain
  • Muscle Pain
  • Osteoarthitis
  • Phlebology
  • Rheumatology
  • Pain Relief

Daeyang’s Luxpeel

This equipment is for those who want some beautification. It is a non-invasive beauty treatment, and has been regarded as the most dynamic skin treatment. It is said to provide good exfoliation. It leaves the skin feeling fresh with a better looking skin. It is known to treat the following:

  • Acne-prone skin
  • Puffy eyes
  • Hyper-pigmentation
  • Fine lines & Wrinkles
  • Skin Rejuvenation

I was quite confused about what equipment is should get. But then, I realised that the physiotherapy, and rehabilitation would also be a good business to invest on because for sure, there would also be some people who are in need of rehabilitation or physiotherapy. Besides, the equipment from Aglow Aesthetics looks quite reliable. It is also good to utilise high technology equipment in handling the current needs of the world.

Here are just a few things I have seen from Aglow Aesthetics. I have discussed the plan over with my family, and looks like they are quite fascinated as well! It now looks like we will have a beauty or physiotherapy clinic on the way (we are still discussing over it)! Thanks to Aglow Aesthetics, I can now be part of those who provide many people with quality service.

Beauty Equipment From Trusted Suppliers in Singapore

As we go on along with our lives marked by challenging workloads, with social life, financial, and other matters in tow, we cannot help but notice our skin degrading. This is why we go to beauty salons, and clinics to have our regular fix.

With these matters, it is a challenge for beauty clinics to seek the trusted beauty equipment supplier to provide them with quality beauty equipment, like laser machines, or radio frequency equipment. When lives, and trust of different people in Singapore rests in your beauty clinic, you must really have to seek a reliable beauty equipment distributor.

Surely, here in Singapore there are many trusted beauty equipment suppliers. Here are some of their usual trusted products:


This beauty equipment makes use of Dynamic Pulse Light (DPL). Hilumi-I is a laser machine with other innovative qualities. The DPL is a combination of intense pulse lighting, and laser power source. This creates a new pulsed shape, and speed. The special DPL is a beauty innovation that reduces the chances of side effects, and enhancing its efficiency with faster, and repetitive shots. This is safe, and painless, in spite of the 10 shots per second speed. It also does wonders to your skin. It rejuvenates the skin, removes hair, and treats pigmentation, acne, and epidermal melasma.

Q Switch Laser Machine

This has also become one of the popular beauty equipment that clinics these days use. This is good when treating pigmentation lesions, and for rejuvenating the skin in general. It also reduces large pores, and lifts the skin for a more youthful look. This is because the Q Switch 1064nm Melasma Laser toning provides the skin with deep penetration that targets the pigment, melasma, and more skin issues.


This radio frequency equipment makes use of high frequency alternating current. It oscillates between 300 kHz and 1 MHz. This is a non-invasive energy technology because of the low intensity energy it emits. It is also 100% natural for the human body. The biological tissues, and recovery process speeds up because it accelerates natural regeneration, making it ideal for physiotherapy, and sports treatment procedures. The pain felt by the patient is immediately relieved. It is known to treat the following:

  • Musculoskeletal injuries
  • Joint Pain
  • Muscle Pain
  • Osteoarthitis
  • Phlebology
  • Rheumatology
  • Pain Relief
  • Sport


For the face, Aquapeel is also a good piece of beauty equipment. Outdoors are very polluted, and sometimes, our own homes are not spared. This is why our skin collects many dirt, and grime from all places. This makes our skin prone to ageing, and acne. This is what Aquapeel solves. It removes dirt, excess sebum and waste with its gentle, and non-invasive facial treatment.

These are only a few of the beauty equipment that many beauty clinics trust. These can be found in many beauty equipment suppliers or distributors in Singapore. Finding a trusted beauty equipment distributor is necessary to make sure that you only get authentic, and high-quality beauty equipment.

Acne Scar Removal For Clear Skin

Ladies and gentlemen desire to look attractive with clear skin. The presence of acne scars is distracting. Seeking the appropriate treatment is necessary.

Ice Pick Scars

The appearance of ice pick scars looks like this instrument did harm to the skin. In a very deep nature, a tiny volume of collagen is produced for injury. This kind of depressed scar comes from openings of the sebaceous gland that are infected. For this acne scar, treatment is very challenging. The scar is excised with a tiny punch and only the isolated kind is sutured. Grafts on the skin may also be done. Skin found at the back of the ear is taken to put in the scar.

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How Safe and Effective Is Fat Freeze Treatment in Singapore?

Fat freezing (cryogenic lipolysis) is a non-surgical method eliminating fat cells by freezing them for a certain period of time before reducing them. It’s a popular treatment among celebrities and the wealthy because of its non-invasive methods. Fat freezing treatment is safe and comfortable, or so they say.

How exactly safe and effective is getting fat freeze treatment in Singapore?

Outcomes of fat freezing

In fat freezing, 25 percent of fat in a specified area is supposedly removed. The choices are endless when it comes to choosing which part of your body you want to focus on. Excess fat like double chin, abdomen, breast, and “love handles” are usual target spots for fat freezing.

Everything is done professionally so you don’t need to worry about the negative aspects of the treatment. Fat freezing can occur usually from 30 minutes to one hour. You won’t be feeling too much discomfort aside from the cold numbness. Other than that, your treatment is good to go.

However, don’t expect to see the outcomes right away. Results may take up to four months before they’re visible to the patient.

Not an alternative to weight loss

One common misconception about fat freezing is its comparison to weight loss. Fat freezing is only intended to reduce visible lumps, not to act as a weight loss treatment.

If you want to significantly reduce weight, practise proper diet and regular exercise. It’s truly the only way to gain significant results in the long run.

Fat freezing is more of a cosmetic treatment. Just don’t expect to be significantly thinner if you partake in fat freeze treatment in Singapore.

Safe and harmless

Since fat freezing requires no surgical methods whatsoever, you can say that it’s completely safe and harmless. Minor discomfort should be expected, but other than that, you can go through fat freezing and come out positively unharmed.

If you truly want to include fat freezing as a part of your regimen, don’t see fat freezing as a weight loss treatment. Perceive it as a subtle fat reduction treatment that should be combined with exercise and a healthy diet.

Fat freeze in Singapore

Achieve the perfect body shape right in the very heart of Singapore. Lux Aesthetics has all the fitness treatments you desire. Partake in fat freeze treatment in Singapore, alongside other fat reduction procedures. Treatments such as hair removal, body contour, and cellulite treatment in Singapore are available for you to undergo.

Facial treatments such as skin rejuvenation, skin tightening, facelift, and face contour are also available.

Attain the face and body you’ve always wanted. Eat healthily, exercise regularly, then go through our many treatments. There’s no body that isn’t better without getting the proper treatment. With cellulite and fat freeze treatments in Singapore, it’s a guarantee you’ll be looking good in no time!

Skin Doctor in Singapore Whom My Family and I Sought

Skin concerns are the last that I want to see when I look at the mirror. I want to have clear skin all the time. This makes me feel more confident in facing people. Despite having a busy work life, it challenges me to maintain good skin condition. I like receiving praises for my healthy skin. I give the impression that I take care of it. Who wants bad skin, right? I go to a ‌‌skin doctor in Singapore. He assesses my skin to see what the condition is.

Obagi Clenziderm

I use Obagi Clenziderm as part of my skin care. To maintain my acne-free skin, it has original formula. The presence of benzoyl peroxide does wonders to my skin. It is a bit strong when I put it. With salicylic acid, I feel it go into my skin. For this acne treatment, it has three steps. My skin type is compatible with its ingredients. I have seen my complexion improve and get healthier. As this is a bestseller, I got the system for normal to oily.

Obagi NuDerm

‌My skin specialist in Singapore sees my skin condition regularly as needed. He advises the best skin care product to use. For oily skin, I use Obagi NuDerm. I experienced rough skin and this is the kind I was given. It is also suitable for hyperpigmentation, erythema, age spots, and sallowness. Besides having the set, I also use the complementary products. I had consultation first before the purchase. There was a prescription needed.

Athlete’s Foot

Besides me, my sister also went to this ‌‌skin doctor in Singapore. She had skin infection in the form of athlete’s foot. Fungus caused it and showed cracking and scaling. The skin softens, becomes itchy, red, and smells bad. Since she plays sports, she became prone to this condition. Sweat is experienced on her feet. Wearing tight shoes is also a culprit. She put medication on her feet. After a week, she saw a noticeable improvement.

White Spots

When my mother had white spots, she also sought this skin specialist in Singapore. In moist and hot surroundings, this skin condition appears. She saw them on her upper arm as white and scaly. There were also patches of pink or brown. Although this is not a symptom, sweating and itching are experienced. She put anti-fungal cream on them. After a week, there were less spots. The medication made her happy to have her clear skin back.

Hair Loss

It is more common in men to experience hair loss. My father has been experiencing this when he got older. As the head got a little bald, he became conscious of it. Hair loss that becomes excessive means that at least 100 hair strands fall. Progression is slow and the diffuse pattern is visible. The hairline recedes and baldness is found on top.

I am happy that my family members and I are treated for our skin conditions. It took awhile to see visible results.

Cosmopolitan for Acne Scar Removal Treatments

For annoying acne scars, we all have all sorts of rituals that can exorcise those baddies that leave trails on our faces, and bodies. If all else fails, run to the nearest dermatologist for an acne scar removal so our skin will be fair as ever.

Most of us, if not all, have already grown an annoying pimple before at least once in their lives. This feeling did not spare us from the impending acne scars that can form once they dry out. Some experience excessive acne, and as a result, also gets excessive acne scars. This makes these people feel bad about how they look, and how they feel about themselves.

But this is not the end for them. These seemingly impossible to eradicate acne scars can actually be removed! With Cosmopolitan acne scar removal treatments, you can kiss those acne scars goodbye, and welcome a new you that is free of these eyesores. Here are some of the treatments we have in store for acne scar removal:

CO2 Fractional Laser

This cutting edge technology allows your skin to look as brilliant as ever. This is especially recommended for treating acne scars, and other conditions such as enlarged pores, and uneven skin tone. It can also be used for skin resurfacing, and for skin tightening. With this treatment, guaranteed that your acne scars will be removed!

This CO2 Fractional Laser Treatment works by removing tiny pinpoint areas from your skin. This is done in a pixelated pattern. This will then incite rapid healing of healthy cells tissues. It is due to the incitement of the left behind in-between skin to produce new and healthier skin.

The treatment goes by applying anaesthetic cream on the area of treatment for an approximate of 15 minutes. In spite of the descriptions, this treatment is not really that painful. In fact, it actually does not feel that uncomfortable. New collagen will be formed, and your skin will become healthier-looking. After this, the doctor will just require you to not go under the sun that much, and to apply topical creams they will prescribe for better care.

Spectra Laser (Carbon Laser Peel)

Another treatment we have for your acne scar works to prevent conditions that will give you acne scars. This, on the other hand, makes your skin more radiant, smooth, and glowing. With this treatment, you can avoid having acne in the first place.

After applying anaesthetic cream on the affected area, they apply a thin layer of carbon. From here, laser energy beams are applied to the treatment area for the energy to be absorbed by the black carbon particles. The thermal effect resulting from this incites growth of collagen, and exfoliation of dead skin cells.

Here are some of the treatments we have to solve your problems with your acne and acne scars. Cosmopolitan is here to provide you solutions, and empower you to face the world with more pride.

An Acne-Free Face Brings out Confidence

Confidence is the first and foremost aspect of loving oneself. It is difficult to achieve confidence if you, yourself, cannot accept who you are as a person. Only then can someone feel good of themselves whenever they take care of their well being, and this includes nourishing our sensitive skin.

Notice that going on job interviews require someone to look neat and professional. Although skills and qualifications are important, looks will be the first one to look at to assess your credibility. It would be great to grab this first good impression by having a fresh-looking face. Remember, the way how someone takes care of their body reflects on their personality as a person.

Due to the sensitive nature of our face, it is susceptible to dusts and pollution causing acnes and pimples.  Because of this, it is important to invest on skincare products and services that would prevent further damage like having acne marks on your skin. Maintaining an acne-free face could be a lot of work but totally worth to invest on. It boosts our confidence to face our everyday lives with a clean and healthy-looking face.

Paying attention to the condition of our skin, especially our face, brings awareness on what could be done to make it look fair and radiant. A number of skincare tips are available in the internet however, it is best to consult a professional to know exactly what would be the best treatment for your acne prone skin.

There are two different kinds of acne scars that may occur on your skin: depressed or raised acne scars. Depressed scars often have a sunken and pitted appearance. It is be categorized by three different types: ice pick scars (narrow and deep scars), box scars (shallow and wide scars) and rolling scars (rounded and sloping edges on skin). While raised acne scars are lumps on skin caused by excessive collagen production during inflammation. They are also known as “keloids” or “hypertropic scars”.

Cosmopolitan Clinic in Singapore, uses a Co2 Fractional Laser to remove depressed acne scars.
The laser breaks down a portion of damaged skin in a pixelated pattern, leaving healthy tissues in between treated areas to enable a fast repair on our skin. Collagen and new skin cells are then formed to effectively remove not only acne scars but also fine lines and wrinkles, giving a fresh new look on our face. While raised acne scars are treated using steroid injections or laser therapy to resurface your skin.

Stress and overwork  could also be one of the reasons why acnes and pimples occur. However, due to our busy lifestyle, it is inevitable to sometimes neglect skincare. Just like how we would accept defeat over fatigue and go straight to our beds, completely ignoring the fact we should at least clean ourselves first.

It is important to give the the best treatment to our skin before it is too late. Learning to maintain a healthy looking skin will save cost and time to your part, preventing the hassle of going to clinics. However, if worst comes to worst, professional skincare clinics like Cosmopolitan Clinics can help you provide the right treatment for your skin.

5 Skincare Tips From A Singapore Dermatologist

Whether you are a local or an expat in Singapore, you have probably long figured out that the cause of your oily, acne-prone skin is the stark weather of the tropical city, with its constantly humid climate and temperatures of about 30°C at the least.

But, with the numerous aesthetic clinics, all claiming to have the best dermatologists in Singapore and offering all sorts of acne treatments and skin care services, you can’t help but wonder whether they actually work.

In our search for answers, we turn to a top dermatologist in Singapore to reveal what constitutes good skincare, along with some tips on how to maintain good skin.

  1. Consult a dermatologist

If you believe you have sensitive and acne-prone skin, stop self-medicating and using products that are promised to be made specifically for sensitive skin. In more chances than not, these things can make the issue worse. We can’t stress further how essential it is to see a dermatologist first before you try medications by yourself.

  1. Use a dermatologically tested and formulated cleanser

Because of the extremely humid weather, we almost always feel like we constantly need to shower to remove the sweat. In fact, a lot of patients recall how they struggle to wash their faces at least three times daily and wonder why they still have pimples. The truth is, all cleaners perform one function, and that is to get rid of dirt, oil and bacteria on the skin. The only difference is that dermatologist-tested cleansers are gentle on the skin thus, do not strip moisture in the skin.

  1. Don’t use scrubs or clay masks

Most patients are surprised to learn that a lot of dermatologists do not recommend the use of scrubs and clay masks. In fact, they don’t agree with a lot of what beauty product manufacturers claim, and for a very good reason.

Over the years, dermatologists have seen a wealth of complications due to lack of understanding of how skin behaves. Scrubbing with harsh beads don’t actually brighten or exfoliate your skin, instead, it causes damage and irritation to the skin, that may even be the cause of your sensitive skin and redness.

  1. Do your research on cosmeceuticals

In recent years, cosmeceuticals have become a fashionable word among dermatologists and consumers alike. In case you don’t know, the term is a marriage of the words pharmaceuticals and cosmetics and refers to skincare and cosmetic products that are approved by dermatologists. But, while they may be backed by science, it’s important to do your research first.

  1. Get a chemical peel once a month

Finally, what is true about the humidity in Singapore is that it triggers the buildup of dead keratin, which blocks the pores and eventually causes inflammation. Receiving a chemical peel suitable for your skin type is crucial as it would reduce the chances of acne breakouts and reduce signs of ageing.

However, you should note that this treatment will not work for patients with a severe acne problem and laser treatment may be recommended.

Organic Skincare in Singapore For Great Appearance

Healthy and youthful-looking skin are goals of ladies and gentlemen. They want everlasting clear skin. Using organic skincare is suitable for you.

Natural Ingredients

Your skin responds to organic skincare in Singapore positively. Since ingredients come from nature, there is no harm on the skin. Pesticides, synthetic fertilisers, chemicals, herbicides, and genetically-modified organisms do not exist. Only harmless ingredients are contained in these skincare products. Your body is grateful that no harsh chemicals ruin its appearance. It is necessary to use skincare that suits your type.

More Effective On The Skin

Buying skincare online in Singapore entails absorbing extracts from plants for your skin. Vitamins that are anti-oxidants are taken in. Pesticides and herbicides are off-limits in this kind of skincare. In this manner, you are assured that contamination has low incidence. These natural ingredients are active inside the product. Most of it is 95% of the content. Knowing that these ingredients are safe on your body, using this skincare is advisable.

Harmless For The Body

Be assured that in using organic skincare in Singapore, your body remains healthy. There are no ingredients from animals. Thus, there is no accusation of being cruel to these creatures. It does not support testing of animals, either. For this reason, the presence of animals is not a disturbance. Since the skincare industry abhors using animals for a product, its organic essence is good. Find the suitable skincare product that makes your skin great to look at.

No Allergies For The Skin

Seeing clear and beautiful skin on your face and body is the goal. With these online skincare products in Singapore, achieving this is possible. It is the nature of being organic to prevent allergic reaction and being inflamed. Be assured of the rarity in developing unpleasant irritable skin. Your awesome physical appearance is maintained. No worries as to the symptoms of allergies. The possibility of them being created is low.

Good Effects

It is best to treat your skin blemishes and irritants with organic skincare in Singapore. The exchange of oxygen on the skin is increased. Thus, it breathes more and prevents aging earlier. With natural ingredients from plants, your skin takes in adequate nutrition as well. The presence of coconut oil, aloe vera, honey, and shea butter encourages smooth skin. Good effects on the skin take awhile, but the gentle ingredients are worth it.


Support efforts in taking care of the environment. By using these online skincare products from Singapore, you are contributing to its welfare. Through organic farming, animals are exposed to less pollutants. The sources are fertiliser sprays and pesticides. Carbon dioxide is decreased and human waste becomes less harmful. Efforts for products that protect the environment are appreciated.

Popularity of Organic

For skincare products, going for organic has become a trend. Consumers prefer natural ingredients to harmful effects of chemicals. They are more aware of the efforts to help the environment. As the demand for organic product goes up, manufacturers are more conscious to satisfy this need.

Knowing these characteristics of organic skincare, you are encouraged to use it. See and feel the difference.